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Common PPC Mistakes and How to Avoid it

Common Pay Per Click Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

There are plenty of articles online that talk about some recommended practices on how to build your marketing campaigns. There are also a variety of techniques for optimization and numerous concepts regarding how to structure effective online advertisements. Since there are countless pieces of advice that are available on the internet, it is very likely for you to get lost with conflicting ideas and be

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Future and Facts of Apps

Future and Facts of Apps That You Need to Know

Whether it’s Facebook, Whatsapp, or Uber, we can’t imagine our lives without apps anymore. Some people would even say that apps are a must for businesses today. What makes this so popular, and how should you approach app marketing? Let’s find out! An app is a software designed to work on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. They allow users to do many things,

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automation in marketing

Automation in Marketing Through Microsoft Dynamics 365

The world of marketing has been evolving with the speed of light in the past few years. Companies can now experiment and automate various marketing strategies and increase conversions, thanks to modern technology and some specific software. “One of the leading software in this domain is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing, which is redefining how businesses market their products and services globally.”  In this post, we

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alterneate data collection the new must have for ecommerce

Alternative Data Collection – The New “Must-Have” for ECommerce Brands?

Data is arguably the most valuable resource for a business. To serve your customers well and succeed in this competitive market, you must understand your customers’ wants and needs. Data about the recent trends and interests will allow you to customize your service to fit the latest demand. However, as the internet has grown into an unexpected labyrinth of data, it has become tough to

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AI driven market research for ecommerce industries

Why ECommerce Brands Should Invest In AI-Driven Market Research

The eCommerce industry has seen massive growth in the past few years. More and more people are investing in eCommerce with each passing day. However, 2020 has encountered demand for eCommerce like never before. With the Covid-19 pandemic taking over the world, eCommerce faced fierce competition from overseas newcomers. The best part about the new eCommerce businesses in 2020 was their effective business strategies and

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Steps in Preprocessing Data for Machine Learning

4 Key Steps in Preprocessing Data for Machine Learning

Preprocessing your data is like laying down the foundation for a house. Just as a strong foundation ensures the durability and safety of a home, effective preprocessing ensures the success of artificial intelligence (AI) projects. This crucial step involves cleaning

New Security Measure Integration

Is Your Business Ready for New Security Measure Integration?

New physical and digital threats seem to appear constantly. While most businesses respond by adopting the latest tools and technologies, not all of them are prepared for what the process entails. How can you know if you’re ready to integrate

business ready to adopt decentralized model

Is Your Business Ready to Adopt a Decentralized Leadership Model?

Is your business ready to decentralize its leadership model? This question may come to mind for many organizations, as companies use different structures to streamline their processes and procedures. Implementing better control and business agility is a huge balancing act.
